Make up Monday: Look tanned in the Winter!

Most of us want that bronze 'just been on holiday' glow, but anyone who lives in the UK will know the struggle. Our summer is so unreliable, it's pretty hard to get a chance to sun bathe!
Some of you may be thinking, 'hey, aren't you naturally tanned?' I am mixed race after all! But my skin tone in the Winter is quite wishy washy. Without my much needed vitamin D, my skin turns green... yes green. I can only think it's because medium skin tones often have yellow undertones, so in the winter I do actually resemble an olive.
I always thought self tanner was only for pale skin tones. I'd feel silly putting fake tan on so I never did. Instead I just flaunted my green legs while my friends looked lovely and bronze.
But that all changed when my mum came home with a body lotion with self tanner in it. I'd always known about these, but once again I just assumed brown/ green people couldn't use products designed for paler skin tones. My mum raved about this tanning body cream and told me to give it a go, so with nothing to lose,  I did. The moisturiser gave me a subtle bronze glow after a few days of use which made me look like i'd been out in the sun. I looked like a healthy brown girl again! Goodbye olive legs!

I went out and bought my own self tanning moisturiser and discovered that Dove had designed the lotion for different skin tones (fair to medium & medium to dark skin), my mum had got the fair - medium version, so I decided to pick up the medium-dark. The darker version worked better with my skin tone, giving me a deeper tan. Because it is a slower way of tanning (it takes a few days to see any difference), there are no streaks! and the colour is build-able. By slowly building up your tan, you skip the whole 'oh crap, i'm orange' stage, because you can slowly see how the tan is working with your skin tone so you can stop at any point.

If you're scared about buying a self tanner that develops overnight and you're against sun beds (like I am), try using 'Dove Derma Spa Summer Revived' It's sold almost everywhere (Boots, Tesco etc) and is currently on offer at Tesco! (Was £5 now £3.50)

If you're not much of a reader, try watching my Youtube review!

-Robyn x

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